I thought I would take a moment to share with my readers a powerful experience I had this summer completing "life" coaching work with Inspired Freedom, LLC. It is small business started by a good friend, Jessica Stickel. Before I dive in, let me give you the backdrop on why I was doing a little soul-searchin'
Back in February 2013, I was laid off from my job of nearly 10 years. I worked in the retail support industry doing corporate training for many large retailers. I loved a lot of what my job was all about: travel, flexible schedule, working from home. This career worked great for me and, most importantly, for my family. My layoff didn't come as a huge shock - department stores had been floundering for months, years before but nonetheless it was a huge blow to my ego and turned my world upside-down.
I was now delegated to being a mom, searching for jobs online and writing resumes (a lot has changed in 10 years), and taking my spot in the virtual unemployment line. I had no direction. I had no "Aha" moment that Oprah so often speaks of. I had no true passion I was just waiting to dive right into. I think a lot of people are like this as well. While I would love to say I always wanted to pen a novel, become a interior decorator, or work for a non-profit that is not the case. Nothing was tugging at my heart saying "Do this with your life"
Lack of Direction + Lots of Free Time + Being Home All Day With a 3-Year Old = Losing Your Mind.
Inspired Freedom to the Rescue! One of my besties Jessica Stickel was starting her own personal life coaching company at the time and I jumped at the chance to work with her. Jessy is A-MA-ZING! One of those people that have traveled the world, have the kindest heart, and make everyone around them feel special. I wanted to drink whatever grape koolaid she was drinking and offering.
My life coaching with Jessy was such a wonderful experience. At first, we discussed the usual - goals, problems, etc. A funny thing happens though once the sessions continue on. You begin to learn more about yourself than you ever thought. I started to realize all the negative self-talk I was giving myself. How I use these "beliefs" to keep my stuck in the mess I was in repeating the cycle over and over. By the end of sessions not only did I gain insight into the authentic "Katie", I also learned how lessons on staying and living with abundance. Actual skills I could use to live the life I was meant to live whether I knew my true passion at the time or not.
Jessy & I canoeing on Lake Winnebago Thanksgiving Day 2012 for our self-titled "Turkey Paddle"
As I look back, I often wonder "Could I have truly discovered my passion if I was still unaware of who I was?" Must one know themselves before they can be themselves? This experience was unbelievable and life-changing for me moving me past being laid off, feeling lost, or just being "a mom." I am Katie and your going to hear me roar!
Jessica Stickel offers amazing life coaching packages at her website: http://www.inspiredfreedomcoaching.com/ or you can visit her on Facebook