Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Screw It - I Am Doing It Today!

I recently read a great post on an easy Advent Calendar made of paper rings at Blissful & Domestic's site.  I love her site.  She keeps it simply, easy, and, most importantly, fun!  She had some great ideas on each ring for the activity of the day.  You can read her post HERE.

So it's already December 3rd.  My rational, A-Type, no-fun, practical personality would say to wait and try this next year.  It's too late and you don't have time to make one?  Plus what if you don't do the activity for the day?  It will be a disappointment. But my mommy side says "SCREW IT - DO IT NOW!  Who cares if you are a couple days late?  Lukeyloo would love to count done each day and even if you miss a day or too some is definitely better than none.

Taking time for fun and family doesn't have to be perfect or done the right way.  The best memories are often made when things get a bit hairy.  Staying lighthearted and enjoying the Christmas season with Lucas is where I want to be!

My Goal Today - Make a Advent Countdown!

Wish me luck.