Friday, April 8, 2016

Liftapalooza 2016: Ali Scrapbook Challenge

I'm back in the saddle again.... the scrapbooking saddle that is!  With two under the age of two and a super-energetic boy who just turned 7, I have ZERO time to scrapbook.  This week I had a bad case of "create-a-page" itch and discovered Scrapbook Challenge's Liftapalooza post at just the right time.  I have been following them for a couple months now and was excited to try a challenge.

The first designer on their "Main Stage" was Ali.  This was her page:

Using Ali's inspiration, I created this page:

Is this my best work?  I hope not!  Is it the best I can do right now with my current life demands?  You bet.  I am hoping to keep up with all the fun at Liftapalooza!

1 comment:

  1. life demands are understandable but don't be hard on yourself as long as you squeeze some scrapping in here and there! I love bowling and love the lift!! Great bowling embellishments! kate (SBC)


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